In our journeys of faith, we rejoice and seek to serve Christ in the world
Let us not love in word or speech, but in truth and in action.
JOHN 3:18
Serving our community
2PC supports a diverse group of organizations with a special emphasis on the social justice, community support, economic justice, health and wellness, international missions, and church partnerships. We show support in three ways:
We volunteer support to agencies.
We financially support community, national, and global non-profit organizations.
We share facilities with community groups and agencies.
For more information or to participate in any volunteer opportunities, please contact us or our one of our community partner agencies directly.
Those we support
174 Trust, Ireland
Room in the Inn
Conexion Americas
Easter Sunrise Service at Room In The Inn
Emergency Assistance
Guatemala mission trips, missionaries
Habitat for Humanity
Launch Pad
Luke 14:12
Martha O'Bryan Center
Mary Parrish Center
Monroe Harding
More Light Presbyterians
Nashville CARES
Nations Ministry
NOAH (Nashville Organized for Action and Hope
Nueva Vida Presbyterian Church
Preston Taylor Ministry
Siloam Family Health Clinic
Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
UKirk / Presbyterian Campus Ministries
TN Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC)
Empower Through Health/Uganda
When members are in need
Whether it’s a casserole or a ride to the doctor’s office, when one of us is in need, we at Second Presbyterian are there for each another.
Want to help provide a ride or a meal for a member in need? Sign up at Lotsa Helping Hands, link below.
Serving together
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
PSALM 34:3
We encourage our members to “Be the Church” by getting involved in any of the many ministries and teams at Second Presbyterian.
Ministries and teams
Adult Education
Children & Youth Ministry
Congregational Care
Membership and Hospitality
Stewardship and Finance
Environmental Care
Be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share.
1 TIMOTHY 6:18