Sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves ... to the Lord in your hearts.
Our music ministry
A message from Jeanette MacCallum, Director of Music Ministries
“Lord, we bring our gift of music; touch our lips and fire our hearts. Teach our minds and train our senses; fit us for these sacred arts. Then with skill and consecration we would serve you, Lord, and give all our powers to glorify you, and in serving fully live.” -- Albert F. Bayly
I love these words from the hymn “When the Morning Stars Together,” for they remind us of several things: we need God’s help in order to fulfill our calling as musicians in ministry; we come together and give up some degree of our individuality for the sake of the whole; and we need and depend upon each other and upon God to do our work well. While each individual voice is unique and complete in itself, none of us can make harmony alone. In this way, the choir is a rich metaphor for the church and for the Christian life. The hymn also challenges us to keep God at the center of all our musical offerings. Rather than view our singing as “performance”, we must strive to use the gifts God gave us to be God’s voice to the church. In so doing, we discover that our own lives are deeply enriched.
Music conveys our theology. As such, we must offer music of substance with artistic integrity. Our musical offerings must be theologically sound and liturgically suitable, grounded in the liturgy and word for the day and/or season.
I invite you to read about the ensembles that make up our Ministry of Music. I encourage you to consider participation in the music ministry of Second Presbyterian Church! It is my sincere desire that you will find fellowship in the company of others who enjoy making music together in this place. I believe that the music we make together can transform your life.
Contact me at jeanette@secondpresbyterian.net
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is comprised primarily of volunteers, college-aged through older adults. There is no audition required, but basic music reading skills are helpful. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 PM each week from mid-August through May. The Adult Choir sings at the 10:30 service throughout the school year in addition to special services during the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Holy Week. The choir provides overall musical leadership to the congregation and normally sings one or two anthems each week in addition to several extended works during the year.
Festival Choir
Festival Singers is comprised of 7th through 12th graders. No audition is required. This ensemble rehearses on Sundays from 4-5 p.m. just prior to Youth Fellowship throughout the school year. The Festival Singers sing at various services throughout the year, typically several each semester. This group sometimes combines with the Adult Choir for special music.
Jubilation and Young Singers
Jubilation Singers is comprised of Kindergarteners through 1st graders, and Young Singers includes 2nd through 6th graders. No audition is required. These choirs rehearse immediately after Worship on Sundays from 11:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.(with lunch together) throughout the school year.
Singing in a church choir offers a unique opportunity for children to learn and serve. Through this experience, children
• Learn more about God through the music they sing;
• Gain a deeper understanding of what it means to worship and to lead in worship;
• Develop singing and music literacy skills through songs, instruments and games;
• Participate each week in a joyful and disciplined music making experienceJubilation and Young Singers normally sing in worship several times during each semester of the school year.