Adult education
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom.
Join us as every Sunday at 9 a.m. (September - May) in the Activity Center.
Upcoming classes:
Jan. 12: White Supremacist Antichrist Poltergeist, by Professor David Dark
“Whiteness” will be defined and discussed as a demanding and destructive spirit. Drawing on his own experience, Professor Dark will also propose ways of confronting and overcoming it.
About Professor Dark: David is a Nashville lifer, a professor at Belmont University, and the author of We Become What We Normalize, The Sacredness of Questioning Everything, Everyday Apocalypse, and The Possibility of America.
Jan. 19: Robot Soft Exorcism, by Professor David Dark
Building on the Apostle Paul’s admonitions concerning principalities and powers, Professor Dark will share and discuss his work on Robot Soft Exorcism. It’s a tried-and-true method for inviting people out of hardened positions and destructive behavior through feats of creative nonviolence.
Jan. 26: Study of the Book of Revelation, week 1, by Rev. Evelyn Graham.
Feb. 2: Week 2 Study of Book of Revelation
Feb. 9: Week 3 Study of Book of Revelation
Feb. 16: Week 4 Study of Book of Revelation
Feb. 23: Week 5 Study of Book of Revelation
March 2: Week 6 Study of Book of Revelation
March 5: Ash Wednesday
Twelve-Step Program as our guide to the spiritual task of our life and life purpose
Based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Day at a Time: Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality, led by Ben Vos and Diana Nelson.
March 9: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 1 & 2
March 16: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 3 & 4
March 23: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 5 & 6
March 30: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 7 & 8
April 6: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 9 & 10
April 13: 12-Step Spirituality Steps, 11 & 12
April 20: Easter (no Sunday school class)
April 27: Divine Humility and the Power of Love, by Rev. Marjorie Thompson
Most Christian theologians over the centuries have centered power as the core attribute of Divine Being. Even though modern theologies often emphasize the love of God over condemning judgment, power frequently remains the overarching -- if more subtle -- priority. I place love at the center of Divine Being and cosmic reality. When we allow Love to stand as the deepest, broadest truth, our notions of divine power are differently understood. Love is by nature humble, not dominating or controlling. Jesus is the exemplar: In him we see that humble love is a powerful force for transformation. In these classes we will explore 1) divine love at the heart of things; 2) the nature of its power; and 3) how this view of God reshapes our own lives and relationships.
About Rev. Thompson: She is author of the best-selling book Soul-feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life and Forgiveness: A Lenten Study. She is a Presbyterian minister who has spent 13 years as Director of Congregational Spirituality with the Upper Room Ministries. She currently does freelance work in retreat leadership, teaching, and writing.
May 4: Divine Humility and the Power of Love, by Rev. Marjorie Thompson
May 11: Divine Humility and the Power of Love, by Rev. Marjorie Thompson
May 18: Class forum
Evaluate adult education classes from September 2024 through May 2025, review opportunities for future classes. What topics, and or teachers would you like to have?