We are a joyful community of faith called to proclaim the Christian gospel in worship and education, to love one another, and to witness to Jesus Christ through prayer, compassion, and justice in our broken and fearful world. As children of God, we live not on our own, but by God’s saving grace.
We love because God first loved us.
1 JOHN 4:7
Who we are
At Second Presbyterian Church, everyone is welcome, whatever your age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic or family status, mental or physical ability. We live out the radically inclusive call of Jesus.
Our commitment to racial justice
There’s a place for everyone here.
Let’s find yours.
Sunday worship
8:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Nursery/Childcare
9 a.m. Sunday school (all ages)
9 a.m. Coffee in our Café
10:30 a.m. Worship
Communion: First Sunday each month, other significant occasions; table open to all
Ways we worship
Whether it’s Sunday services, communion, and baptism, or music, learning, and fellowship, it is worship that draws us together as a community, as a family. We invite you to join us.
Ways we serve
We seek to serve Christ by serving members of our community as well as members of our church. We join hands with those in Nashville who minister to those in need, whether they need to be fed or housed or healed or included or given a fair chance or a measure of justice. We devote our time and talents to prayer, acts of compassion, and social justice — because we all are in need at some point in our journeys.
A fellowship of families
From infants to toddlers, from elementary and middle schoolers to teens, our children fill Second Presbyterian with such joy. Here, they have a place where they can learn, play, and grow in the fullness of God’s grace.
“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.”
Faith connected
Video Bible study
Snaps at Second
From the pulpit
Meet our team
Rev. Evelyn Graham
Interim Minister
Jeanette MacCallum
Music Ministry Director
Douglas Murray
Nicole Armstrong
Allen Townsend
Property Manager
Terry Quillen
Communications & Administrative Coordinator
Mara Echterling
Audio/Visual Technician